Category: Self Help (page 2 of 3)

Checking in

While staying in contact with friends and loved ones is important, asking “how are you?” can seem habitual. It’s is a perfectly normal way to begin a conversation or meeting and understood as a polite way to express concern, to which “I’m fine” or “Good” are socially acceptable responses. But is “how are you?” really…

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Please Reach Out!!

It was only a matter of time before more people would be struggling. 211 is a good place to start, but if you are having anxiety or depressive symptoms regarding all that is going on in your life in relationship with Covid-19 or anything else, don’t be afraid to reach out @414-881-7401

Anxiety During Covid-19

Stay at Home, don’t stay at home. Wear a mask, masks don’t help much. We will have a vaccine soon, it may take awhile to get a vaccine. One thing is for sure right now, there is a whole bunch of mixed signals. For many, we can just go about our business but for someone…

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Being Grateful

In difficult times, we can easily get overwhelmed by what’s going wrong, or everything that is missing in our lives. We can lose sight of all of the good that surrounds us. But that doesn’t mean the good isn’t there. The good is always there, we just need to start to see it again. The…

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Change is not always easy.

If real change was easy, everyone would be doing it. What’s something you really want to change? What is one obstacle in your way? How could you overcome this obstacle? Not sure, no worries, let’s talk. Give me a call or a text (414) 881-7401. Thanks, Scott

Goal For Right Now!!

Covid-19 has caused a lot of unknowns.   Am I going to be safe? Are my loved ones going to be safe?   How am I going to manage?   How long are they going to keep this Safe at Home going?   What am I going to do?   Are all of your thoughts…

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Not Giving Up!!

I know we are in some trying times and many are hurting financially, and otherwise, including myself. Here is a short story of not giving and giving up from a friend of mine Max Bollkman Zuleta of Art Below Zero Ice Sculptures. I hope it inspires you to keep moving forward, I know his words move me forward…..

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How Are You “Really” Feeling?

How are you feeling? How many times have we been asked that question? How many times have we asked it? How many times have we given or received an authentic answer? Most say, I’m good, great, and that’s also what we expect to hear in return. What if we really tuned in and named our…

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Mental Health Check In

How are you feeling right now? A. I’ve got this   B. Scared, but hopeful   C. Overwhelmed by it all     If you’re ‘C’, please call for help. This is the time to reach out and get the support you need.   You can reach me here, visit, or perhaps the easiest,…

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Feeling your feelings.

Being in a time of the unknown, how are you feeling right now? Deeper yet, why do you feel that way? To be able to label and understand one’s emotions is crucial in moving past them.  The book Permission To Feel by Marc Brackett, Ph.D. is an excellent resource. Need help sorting through things? Let…

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